Pass the Washington MPJE Pharmacy Law Exam with PassRxNow

MPJE: Know your DEA Forms

MPJE Compliance: Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacists During Drug Shortages

How the MPJE Tests Your Knowledge of Patient Identifiers in Medication Dispensing: A Guide for Pharmacy Students and Graduates

5 Essential HIPAA Requirements Every Pharmacist Should Know for MPJE Exam

Mastering Pharmacy Law for the MPJE: An Overview on how to Support DEA Inquiries
Pharmacists preparing for the MPJE should be well-versed in supporting DEA inquiries. One way to ensure preparedness is by taking MPJE practice exams that cover DEA regulations and protocols. These practice exams can help test-takers identify knowledge gaps and develop a strong foundation in the legal aspects of controlled substances. Being confident in DEA inquiry support can help pharmacy professionals pass the MPJE and navigate real-world scenarios.

MPJE: Record Keeping

MPJE: Pharmacy law grey areas

MPJE: Pharmacy manager responsibilities in different settings

Can Pharmacy Technicians administer vaccines in a community pharmacy
The pandemic changed how pharmacies, pharmacists, and technicians operate in some sense. Many states expanded the scope of practice for pharmacists and technicians.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw some state laws expand the scope of pharmacy technicians, enabling them to provide vaccinations. In this blog post, we cover some of these updates and requirements.

The true cost of failing the NAPLEX or MPJE
The true cost of failing the NAPLEX or MPJE exam can be over $30,000 for individuals and $100K+ for pharmacies that must fulfill non-resident pharmacy requirements before they can mail drugs across state lines.

MPJE Tips: Technician Specific Regulations

Washington State Pharmacy Law Update: Pharmacy inspection - MPJE
A pharmacy Law update in Washington state impacts the self-inspection process. Questions related to this new process can appear on the Washington MPJE. This blog article provides you with the details.